Kara and the Car

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Frank's '57 Chevy Bel Air

model: Kara
hair: MaCray Huff
make up: Lex Ewing
stylist: Liz
wardrobe on sale at: Design Archives
downtown Greensboro, NC

Special thanks to Frank for spontaneously providing his beautiful 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air.

More photos and technical info after the jump

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Design Archives - Kara

Hasselblad 500C/M
Hasselblad 80mm f/2.8 CF T* Lens
Fujifilm FP-100B pack film
Kodak Portra 400 120 film

Nikon F3

Nikon Ai 50mm f/1.4 lens
Ilfrod Delta 100 (200-push) 35mm film
Agfa Rodinal (1+50) developer
20ºC - 19min


FlagonPhoto said...

Wow..superb photography and hot models.

Submit Your Photography said...
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Helios Binoculars said...

Very nice blog.i like photography and i think that it is one of the best photography which express the real felling.i love it and i am going to say the author that you should kept it up.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen anything you have done which is not exquisite. Well done!

canvas prints said...

totaly love your work, wow

cmadcram said...

very nice.

Groupdmt said...
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photographers central coast said...

Awesome pictures. I hope I could have the skills you have.

Stuart said...

I love your stuff. I work for a college in London, UK, and I frequently share your pictures with the photography students here.

Thanks for posting these up.

PS I love the Chevy. We don't get cars like that over here!

mattbell said...

Awesome. Thanks.

Stuart said...

You're welcome. Keep up the inspiring work!