


Mamiya C220
Mamiya-Sekor 80mm f/2.8 lens
Vivtar 285HV flash (x2)
Minolta 360px flash
efke R25 120 film
Agfa Rodinal (1+50) developer
20ºC - 8min




-Main Light: Minolta 360px flash (set-to 1/2 power) with DIY diffuser (rubbing-alcohol bottle bottom) on light stand @ 10:00 high (height: 5'), 6' from subject, triggered by PC-cord.
-Fill light: Vivitar 285HV flash (set-to 1/4 power) with DIY diffuser (round rubbing-alcohol bottle bottom) on mini-tripod @ 6:00 low (height: 1'), 3' from subject, triggered by optical slave.
-Kicker light: Vivitar 285HV flash (set-to 1/2 power*) with DIY grid-snoot (black coffee-stirs, cut into 1/2" pieces, glued into grid pattern, inside foamcore snoot enclosure) on light stand @ 1:30 high (height: 7'), 7' from subject, triggered by optical slave.

1 comment:

Sam Rosenthal Photography said...

I love how you captured the emotion, its like you can see her entire life just through these photos. I really like the old house behind her and all the leaves around her...it really sets the mood really interesting!