As#4 Pharmaceuticals

Biocommunication Object Lighting Assignment #4: Pharmaceuticals
-digital capture
-photograph drugs (legal), meds, herbs, etc.
-show "mood" of drug(s)

(click images to enlarge @ Flickr)

3 Facts About Stimulants:

-Stimulants are medications that increase heart rate, breathing rate, and brain function. Some stimulants affect only a specific organ, such as the heart, lungs, brain, or nervous system.*

- Stimulants increase the amount of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, which increases blood pressure and heart rate, constricts blood vessels, increases blood glucose, and increases breathing. Effects can feel like an increase alertness, attention, and energy along with a sense of euphoria. There is also the potential for cardiovascular failure (heart attack) or lethal seizures.**

Street amphetamines produce a "high" as a result of much higher doses (several hundred times higher), with the route of administration (smoking, snorting, injecting), than those prescribed by physicians.***

* taken from apps.uwhealth.org/
**taken from www.dawnfarm.org/
*** taken from www.add.org/

Grade: A-

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